Salim Baba
15 Minutes
Bengali with English Subtitles
India / USA

Salim Muhammad is a 55-year-old man who lives in North Kolkata with his wife and five children. Since the age of ten he has made a living screening discarded film scraps for the kids in his surrounding neighborhoods using a hand-cranked projector that he inherited from his father. A pragmatic businessman as well as a cinephile, Salim runs his projector with his sons in the hopes that they will carry on his legacy of showing films to the local children.
Salim Baba is a co-production of Ropa Vieja Films and Paradox Smoke Productions.

featuring: Salim Muhammad
directed by: Tim Sternberg
produced by: Francisco Bello, Scott Mosier, Raja Dey
photographed by: Francisco Bello, Raja Dey
edited by: Tim Sternberg, Arturo Sosa
original score by: David Darling
sound editing and mixing: Eric Strausser, Alexa Zimmerman
Salim Baba was made possible through a production grant by the Urban Arts Initiative. Fiscal Sponsorship provided by the Independent Feature Project.
SALIM BABA, © 2008 Ropa Vieja Films LLC. All rights reserved.